Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009

7th day - flying heros

little preparation before our start: we took the engine from our fu%$§ng Alamo rental car and put it to the plane.
last instruction from co-pilot Cliff to pilot Jenny

clockwise circle over Oahu island

we forgot the parachutes

north west shoreline

green hills in the north part of the island

the "LOST" and "Jurassic Park" valley

Chinamens hat


fucking AWESOME

H2 or H3 Highway

almost back

Hanauma Bay

Waikiki Beach

Waikiki downtown

dont push the black button



f%$§"ng AWESOME


paparazi Mel

due hight traffic at the airport - our parking spot at Huanama Bay

we gave the plane a hug and shot a survivors photo

airplane cemetery

Aloha stadium


scotty: energy to the fucking rental car


freezing 23 C in Hawaii

Sag`s raw material

almost flying Jenny

Sag and Jenny

Sag´s artcraft

teaching us

life is hard on Oahu

back in Honolulu

flying cars in Honolulu Hard Rock Cafe

revenge on Alamo

mission completed

to be continued.....see next month for "The horny snowman collection" and "Lost in the Honolulu Airport park house" and "The Arival - swine flue in LA Airport"

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